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Harvest Work



We are auction marketing experts! In the last 15 years we've scheduled, cataloged, marketed and conducted over 200 auctions.

Davis Auctioneers, LLC Methods to Auction Marketing:

  • Full color postcards or brochures mailed to perspective auction buyers

  • Online Advertising and Email Blast

  • Newspaper and Trade-paper advertising in local and national markets

Selling Requirements:

  • Seller must properly sign a full auction agreement before items are sold at auction.

  • All seller requirements and responsibilities are discussed during the process of signing the agreement.

  • Seller must disclose known damage history of property honestly, accurately, and completely.

  • Seller must be the legal owner of the property with full right and authority to sell such property.

  • Seller must maintain insurance against loss and/or damage to the property. Seller acknowledges and agrees that all risk of loss or damage to the Property will remain with the Seller until proceeds from its sale are received by you, the seller.

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